Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars Abiviruthi Panchukadai Mahamai
The Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars Abiviruthi Panchukadai Mahamai is a society, registered under the Societies Registration Act and its objects as found in its memorandum of association are as follows :
"..... to run the Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars' Abivirudhi Panjukadai Mahamai and to develop it and thereby the following three main objectives
(i) to provide relief of the poor, education and medical relief;
(ii) to establish and maintain educational institutions.... to give aid to educational institutions;.....
(x) to establish and run income earning industries to achieve the three main objects of our society, viz., to provide relief of the poor, education and medical relief."
The society is in existence for the past 160 years or so.
the Rules and Regulations of the society run as follows :
" The funds of the society shall comprise its income from the Mahamai
contributed by its members as fixed by the general body from time to time, the rent and other incomes from the properties owned by the society, the cooly receipts of the cotton ginning machinery owned by the society and donations.
Mahamai shall be collected at such rates as may be fixed by the society from time to time in respect of lint, kappas, groundnut, chillies, grains and other agricultural produce brought for sale or purchase from up-country places or within Virudhunagar."
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